Guidelines For Preparing Articles
In order to prevent any delays in the publication of the articles, all contributors are requested to follow the instructions below:
1. Articles should be research oriented, the result of authors/s own work and should not have been published, nor should they have been simultaneously been sent for publication in other journals.
Attachment1. The presented articles at conferences that their abstracts printed in the proceeding can be considered for publication.
Attachment2. Review articles by distinguished authors who have already published research papers in the related fields will also be accepted, provided that they are based on multiple references.
2. The official language of Political Geography Research is English.
3. Articles should be structured in good grammar with prepared composition and simply letter – writing.
4. The maximum size of an article is 10000 world included text, figure and tables etc.
5. All articles should include: an abstract (Up to 200 words in English), key words, introduction, Regional setting, Materials and methods, Results and discussion, conclusion, Acknowledgment and references. Section to be included in articles:
First Page: title of the paper, authors/s’ name (identifying the corresponding author with a mark), affiliation & rank and an address for the corresponding author including mailing, e-mail address and phone.
6. Write on A4 paper, 3 centimeters spacing in every sides, regular (preferably thin) fonts, size 13 in Arial (size 13 in Lotus for Persian) in Word format.
7. References in the text should be same as example: (Ghanji, 1997:21) or (Van Zeist and Wright, 1963:33 ) or (Schmidt et al., 2011:125).
8. References in the end of article should be organized same as following samples:
A. Books:Name of the author/s (date), title, turn of publication, publisher, place of publication.
B. Translated Books: Name of the author/s (date), title, turn of publication, publisher, place of publication.
C. Articles:Name of the author/s (date), title of the paper, title of the journal, volume, page.
Book: Agnew, John A. (2003) Geopolitics: Re-visioning world politics, 2nd edition. New York, Routledge
Journal: Agnew, John A. (1994) the Territorial Trap: The Geographical Assumptions of International Relations Theory. Review of International Political Economy 1 (1): 53–80.
9. Papers extracted from theses will be published under the supervisor’s name and responsibility, while the advisors and student’s name will be included as co – authors.
10. Contributors are all responsible for the content of their papers.
Note: Submission of articles will be done only via following web site:
Address: 4th Floor, No. 52, Azin alley, Vesal Street, Engelab Ave., Institute of Geography, Faculty of Geography, University of Tehran, Tel: +982161113681, Fax:+982161113681